How to love?

When His disciple asked” Teacher which commandment in the law is the greatest? He said to him, You shall love the lord your God with all heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and first commandment. And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. This articles will delve more into the second commandment, love thy neighbor as thyself. It clearly show’s that you cannot give from an empty cup. I’m looking to explore many ways on how to increase the love in the world, by learning to love self, and extend it to the neighbor. People who hold this type of love, are mostly happy, healthy and peaceful. The opposite is also true, this type hold grudges, gossip, sad and angry, to say the list. That’s why we have wars, racism, jealousy, hatred and many other harmful Humans experiences enforced by other Humans. When you love yourself, you’ll do to other’s, as you want them to do to you.

Five ways to show love to self

1# Be Gentle to yourself<> Majority are in the habit of self blame and condemnation. I used to be the victim as well, I would going on asking myself questions like, how can you do such a stupid things, being hard on myself for not achieving a set mile stone. When I started to be gentle with myself a lot changed. Start by accepting that is okay to do a mistake no matter how big. Learn to forgive yourself, because you can be forgiven. Teach your mind to affirm, how much you love yourself, in a gentle way.

2# Be Kind to yourself<> Start saying kind words to yourself. Let’s say all your life you were told, you’ll never amount to anything, like I was told by my Uncle after I did a disappearing act, went to Durban life happened and I came back broken, the worse thing a person can say to a broken soul, is kind word to empower not brake any feather. But that was not the case with me, when I started to be kind myself. I felt so empowered and I discovered why certain People wanted to brake me all along. Kindness welcomes, kindness is warm, And because of that, People respect You so much. I constantly ask myself, why people respect me so much. Is because of my kindness and respect for everyone young and old.

3# Be Patient with yourself<> Society has it, at a certain age you’re expected to be somewhere in life. This are peer pressures that has nothing to do with how our lives turn out to be. Is okay to fail, is okay to start over. Life give us lessons and experiences for us to learn from. So be patient when nothing is happening, rather use this period of your life to empower your mind and physical health. Use this time to imagine the life you want. I want to emphasize this even on this article, keep your mind free from negative thoughts. A mind of a Person is like a garden everything you plant in it grows. The reasons bad things keep happening to People, is because they hold thoughts and materialize into it’s physical form. Being patient with yourself means start planting seeds you’ll love to eat from when is time for you to harvest, what you planted in your mind. Thulani Hlatshwayo once said to me, everything has it’s expiry date, even with my situation back then, he said be patient it will be, when is time. I thank Him dearly for crossing paths with me.

4# Thank Yourself<> you have made it this far. You now know your strength, you know your power. Use the power you found within to progress your own life. Thank yourself for knowing who is your real friend and who’s not. Thank for being the one who went through it all and still standing. Thank yourself for been able to smile looking back where you’ve been, And still standing. This shows how strong you’re. It was not a punishment but a way to help you find yourself. Now that you are here, how you are going change the world with your experience.

5# Praise yourself a lot more<> It was when I started affirming positive things about me and praising myself. The wheel started turning slowly to point the direction of where I want my life to head. This took me back to where People I admire now, where before all their wealth. I saw myself fit enough to be in their league by applying what they did to get there. I am now Multi billionaire in the making because of the self praise. Self praise unlock good emotions, which attract good events in my life. I am a new blogger however I tell myself that I’m great content creator. Self praise mustn’t be egoistic because ego is an negative emotion so it must be gentle in a humble way.

Mirror work as an act of self love.

Louise Hey, A self help life coach, Author and Speaker. On the presentation she held in Los Angeles, when speaking about mirror work. She mentioned the importance of doing it, And started immediately applying the technique and works like magic. Because you can either see if you believe the story you telling or not. I affirm to be a billionaire with a smile because I know is done already. I believe it and I know it is done. I started working out 2023 November, today I enjoy looking at myself on the mirror while I’m naked because I admire myself now. I used to be very skinny but now I’m a slim fit. Mirror empower the mind so much that if you constantly apply affirming positive in front of the mirror, your change is inevitable.

Self love a remedy to all diseases in the world.

When you love yourself, you watch what you eat and take care of your body. Self love enhances love for the other, when I walk the street of Johannesburg in the morning they’re a lot of homeless People sleeping on the street. The big question I ask myself is how can I help to empower this people to live their best life. I thought of providing them with tents that have positive affirmation engrave on those tents so that, they can start to look at themselves different from positive affirmation. I know is possible to leave in the world without homeless People but empowered People. This what self love does, you want to do better because you have unconditional love within. We are children of the light, This light is love, we are creatures of love. The reason we take care of everything in the world is because of love that we come from. God is that love and were from God, so love ourselves so much that we extend this love to our neighbors as well.

Lets cure the world and love each other. weather you Christian, Muslim, Hundu or any other Religious organization, is my plead for all to live a religious lifestyle not to defend the religion you in. We are all connected, every child that is born in this world has no conscious of the color of skin is in. Every Child that is born, is born loving. Let go back to be that child again.

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