Tag: Heaven

  • Is There Hell and Heaven?

    Answer to this question is yes! however not in the after life but this physical life. Not that there are two power’s as we were brought up to believe. There’s only one power which is the power of the Source of all creation. Bear in mind that Mother and Father created the body which we come into as the extensions of the Source energy or God as most prefer to call Him. Therefore our birth here on earth doesn’t necessarily mean is the start of our lives. The same goes with our departure from our physical bodies. This means that mandate is on earth, how you live your life determine weather you in hell or heaven. Remember the parable of talents. Matthew 25: 14-30 tells of a master who was leaving his house to travel, and, before leaving, entrusted his property to his servants. According to the abilities of each man, one servant received five talents, the second had received two, and the third received only one. The first went and multiply his talents according to the mandate he was given, second did the same and we all know what happened to the third servant who went and bury his talent. Majority who live their lives on survival mode, simply put they are in hell. Minority who lives life on their terms are in heaven.

    How to get to the Kingdom of Heaven?

    Find alignment with who you really are, there’s physical you and spiritual you. Twinning up with your spiritual self is finding alignment. I would love to refer the spiritual self to the inner being. I love how Abraham Hick put this into simplicity, when you are feeling good, joyful, happy any of the positive emotions means you are in alignment with who you really are, and feeling negative emotions you are in disagreement with your inner being means you are not in alignment. As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he, Solomon wrote about it Proverbs 23 verse 7. James Allen wrote a whole book about this verse. A mind of man is like a garden whatever you plant in it shall grow, good or bad. If your garden is full of weeds start to cultivate it, prepare the soil and plant good seeds. One of lost Gospel which was discovered in 1945 in the Nag hammadi tomb in Egypt. Gospel of Thomas verse three: Jesus said, If your leaders say to you, ‘Look, the Kingdom of heaven is in the sky; then birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you,’ ‘It is in the sea; then the fish of sea will precede you. Rather the Kingdom of heaven is inside of you and outside of you. When you get to know Yourselves then you will be known, and you will understand that you are the children of the living Father. But if you do not know yourself, then you live in poverty and became that poverty. This means that, outside circumstances happens as a results of the, thoughts and emotions we hold inside. We create our own reality.

    Is Hell reality?

    Yes! Only in the Physical Life. The truth we grew up knowing that on the judgement day, God and Satan will be competing for souls happens not to be the whole truth. the dark world is what man created, with his creative powers. It exist yes because man make it to exist. In the book of Deuteronomy 32:39 ‘See now that I myself am he! There is no god beside me. I put to death and I bring to life , and no one can deliver out of my hand’. This means that, the good and the bad, a man do represent the presence of God. If I want to sell my product to you, I must create fear, to make you buy on emotions. The movie, ‘ Who the Bleep are we” reveals that there’s no right or wrong, there’s no sin. The only Sin is when you’ll leave this physical life without living up to what you came here for. Let’s use logic here, I create you, now how come I allow you to be my competition? Will I not destroy you as soon as you rise against me. We are eternal beings as souls, that’s why we still have communications with the departed souls.

    What I want to outline here is.

    You create your own reality. The thoughts you hold, create the reality you living now. The truth I am revealing here, man only realize when they go back to be souls again. In truth that’s little too late because you’ve left the body already. Is my dying desire for you to realize this truth while you still in the body, so that you can be what you came here to be. What I reveal here is, Hell is right here on earth same as Heaven. Quantum Science has proven this truth, by thought alone a men have heal their bodies. Men have created enormous amount of wealth from the thoughts they held before that wealth materialized. Spirituality has proven this truth, Buddhist have cured diseases which were said to be incurable by thought alone. What more do we want, what more must be said to know that we hold the power within all of us, and that power is the power of God the Source of all. With this power everything we want to achieve, we do through this power, the power of god the Source of all things.

    In closing

    I want to go back to the teaching by Neville Goddard a Mystic man in the twentieth century. A teaching from the book of Proverb chapter eight about the wisdom which created everything. In this teaching He talks about, us Humans being the knowledge and the wisdom of God. This means energy that creates worlds runs to and through us. We are very powerful beings, we are the representatives of the Source of all things as Souls and as Human. This means the power to do good and evil, God has given us both. Is my desire, for men to start use the power they have, to build themselves as better Humans and make this world a better place for all Human and all creation to live in. I could love to hear from you leave a comment or compliment