Tag: manifestation

  • I came to learn about the law of attraction, when I read and watched, The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. The law of attraction is defined as, like attract like. The law of attraction, is one of the twelve basic laws of the universe. It comes as no surprise that, is the most talked about law compared to other laws. This is because, it was revealed as, The Secret by Bob Proctor in the movie The Secret. Law of attraction plays a major role in cocreation because of it’s obedience however this doesn’t make other laws, less important. I love to use the mirror in comparison to the law of attraction, because you don’t attract what you want but who you are. I grow up hearing People saying, fake it until you make it. In simple terms, embody the Person you want to became and you became. This means internal work, of mind and emotion must be accomplished, questions like how will it feel like when I am this or have this? The language of the universe is emotions, that’s why we create an emotional state. This is received as a signal and is mirrored back to you the creator. When I came to learn that everything happening in my life, I have created it, I was really shocked. As much as I created the unwanted in my life, I now create the wanted and the whole journey is so awesome. The soul mate I asked for, arrived when I stopped looking for her, and I’m very grateful to have such a sweetheart as my mate. A lot more is required to make the law of attraction work. This is second step to manifestation, believe, believe has more to do with the inside work. What believes, do you have towards whatever you want, if is love, do you feel worthy or deserving? Same with money or health.

    The basic of the law of attraction

    Law of attraction is defined as belief that, positive or negative thoughts brings positive or negative experiences in our lives. Is like a steel magnet it attracts steel to it. It is the same with this law, like attract like. the thoughts you hold create a vibration, and vibration finds it’s frequency in the cosmic world. Low vibrations brings about negative experiences and higher vibration brings forth positive experiences in our lives. Nichola Tesla once said, if you want to talk to the universe talk in terms of, Energy, Frequency and Vibration. We’re energy field, the energy we offer determine our vibration whether is high or low. High vibrations comes as a results of good feeling thought we have, same as low vibrations comes as results bad feeling thought. Majority of People live on an hamster wheel because of the bad feeling thought they hold every time. Worrying about something doesn’t solve it so why worry because you only messing up your own creation.

    The importance of thoughts and emotions.

    Humans are the only evolving Being simply because they can think and speak, and this two gifts separate Men from Animalistic level. The thoughts creates and emotions attract. the law of attraction is always at work whether we’re aware of it or not, is always at work. That’s why we should learn to use the power we hold to create the life we want. Thoughts of worry, stress, fear, anxiety, jealousy, anger and doubt, create same results all the time like hamster wheel. This is what courses low vibes. The opposite is the same, thoughts of happiness, joy, love, contention, satisfied, sureness, knowing, and many more positive thought feeling brings about higher vibes and is what you attract.

    Visualization and beliefs

    Visualization is a mental picture of something. Bob Proctor once said if you can see it in your mind you can hold it in your hand. Having this mental picture, creates an emotional state which attract exactly what we see in our mind. Regular practice of visualization accelerate the desired out come, to manifest quickly. By visualization you familiarize yourself with how will it feel like when, this out come happens. Having a mental picture alone doesn’t bring it to life without the involvement of your sensory vividness. You have to feel it, taste it, touch it, smell it, and see it. You have to believe that you’re worthy and deserving to have what you want. Faith is paramount! You must have no doubt in your mind, feel it in all your fibers of your body. Know that is inevitable, it has no way but to come and expect to come. Let go of how or when, it will show up.

    Gratitude and mindfulness

    Start a day by writing three to five things you grateful for. It could be healthy body you living in, safety of your children, the money you have or the job, there are so many things to be grateful of. Stop looking at what you don’t have and appreciate the good that’s in your life now. The importance of this excise is that it opens up the mind and heart, to welcome more good into your life. Also take time before and after bed, find connection with the higher self. You can practice what works for you, I use meditations and affirmation to raise my vibration. Other’s use Prayer, Yoga the list is long just go with what gives you calmness. Though out the day be mindful of your speech and thought, remember speech reflects the thoughts you hold. Instead of saying, I need this………. Rather say I have ……….. looking at what you at the that moment. Stopping or using less negative words empower the mind to think of ways on how to improve your livelihood.

    Action and Alignment.

    Life is a participating sport, you’ll have to take action when called to action. Lets say is money you want, and you called to be writer or speaker something you never thought you would do. Is important to take action that feel good when doing them, it mustn’t feel like is a job you don’t like. This means actions that are in alignment with your desire. Finding alignment, in human terms I can say is finding the why. Asking yourself why you doing something, and repeat the same question on the answer you gave yourself and continue the process until you can’t answer anymore. The emotions you create during this excise, brings it’s back to you, is a law and is attraction. Wait for the Cosmic to call you to action, and that action we call inspired action because you’re lead to your desired.

    Overcoming Challenges and Limiting Beliefs

    Is common to get early gratification when starting to apply the law of attraction, and soon after nothing happens instead the opposite of what you asked for. This is a time of test whether what you, say you want, is it a mere wish or you genuine to why you want it. Is time to hold peace and trust the process, anyone who successfully attracted wealth from having nothing, all got a sad story to share about the period before, it all happened. Is crucial, to always practice positive affirmation when doubt or limiting beliefs start to coming back, questioning your success story on the wanted. I would always say to myself, I know of People who where like me before but are now living the life I want so if it can happen to them, it can also happen me. I would immediately feel better and find a way to over come the challenge at that time.

    Success stories and examples

    Most common story is that one of Jim Carrey, a world known comedian, for so many years before his movie career took off. He wrote himself a Ten million dollar cheque and after so many rejections, his first movie made him Ten Million Dollar’s

    Bob Proctor at Twenty-six broke started to practice this law and became wealthy beyond his wildest dreams. When his mentor asked him to write the amount of money he wanted, he said it was even hard for him to write twenty five thousand dollar’s and went on to do hundred and forty thousand dollar’s that year.

    the are life real truth that the law of attraction works all the time, Start to use it to advantage. A list is long, I also have my own manifestation stories that I would share on my other articles no matter how small. Writing this post was something I thought I would do however, I’m doing it now.

    What do you think, please leave a comment or even better share your manifestation story.